Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Were Jesus' Miracles Unique to Just Him?

Many of God's Prophets performed miracles, but i've heard it many times that Jesus' miracles were unique and that because of his miracles it proves his divinity.

Although many of the Prophets performed miracles and most were unique to them, there was one prophet that performed miracles which are practically mirrored to that of Jesus' miracles.

2 Kings 4:32-35 Elisha Raises a Boy from the Dead

2 Kings 4:42-44 Elisha feeds 100 Men with just 20 loaves

2 Kings 5:1-14 Elisha Cures a man of Leprosy

2 Kings 6:17-20 Elisha cures Blindness

2 Kings 13:20-21 Even after death Elisha's bones raise a man from death.

Some of these sound quite familiar.

After Jesus' death some of his disciples were able to perform these miracles also.

Acts 3:6-7 Peter healing a cripple
Acts 5:14-16 Peter casting out demons and healing the sick
Acts 9:36-41Peter even raising the dead

Acts 8:5-7 Philip cast out demons, healed the sick and paralyzed

Acts 14:8  Paul heals a cripple
Acts 16:17-18 Paul cast out a demon
Acts 20:9-10 Paul too is able to raise the dead

So in conclusion the miracles throughout the Bible are pretty similar in nature and type, but if you read this passages more carefully you will notice they all were miracles of God, not of the person that was performing them.

Summary of the Facts:
1) Jesus performed many miracles that were not unique or specific to Jesus.
2) The miracles performed were done so by the power of God alone.

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