Monday, April 6, 2015

New Testament Manuscripts

When you think of the Bible the first thing that usually come to mind is God's Word. To many the Bible is 100% God's word. To others it is words written by men who were inspired by God, therefore God's Word.
When we take a closer look at the historicity of today's Christian Bible, you would probably be surprised to find some of the facts about how the New Testament came to be from the historical manuscripts.
Jesus lived in the 1st century, and it is agreed upon that the original manuscripts of the majority of the new testament were written in the first century.

Going to start this out in question form:
Q - How many original manuscripts do we have of the New Testament?
A - None, All original manuscripts of the NT have been lost. And all we have are copies of copies of copies etc...
"Since the original writing of the scriptures, huge volumes of copies have been made of the originals, which are no longer extant, and copies have been made of those copies, resulting in several text types." Source

Q - How many manuscripts do we have?
A - Over 24000 manuscripts. Over 5800 Greek,  over 10000 Latin, and over 9300 in other languages. Source

Q - Of the oldest(Greek) manuscripts, how many are dated from the 1st century of the time of Jesus?
A - None, there are 0 surviving manuscripts from the 1st century which are dated to when they were originally written. Source

Q - When was the earliest manuscript found that was a complete book and not small fragments?
A - No complete manuscripts were found until the 4th century. There were large fragments found of the book of Mark late in the 3rd century, before the 3rd century only 8 fragments exist. Source

Q - Of all the oldest Greek manuscripts, what is the percentage of manuscripts dated before the 9th century in comparison to all manuscripts found?
A - About 6%. Around 94% of all manuscripts found are dated from the 9th century and newer.
"The vast majority of these manuscripts date after the 10th century" Source(Table)

There is some interesting data here, and i've heard a multitude of explanations that detail how this data doesn't matter, and that the manuscripts are the most preserved because the words haven't changed from the originals.

Q - How many manuscripts are identical to each other?
A - None, except for the smallest fragments, out fo the 24000+ manuscripts, there isn't a single manuscript that is identical with another.
"When comparing one manuscript to another, with the exception of the smallest fragments, no two copies agree completely throughout. There has been an estimate of 400,000 variations among all these manuscripts (from the 2nd to 15th century) which is more than there are words in the New Testament" Source

Bart Ehrman a leading Biblical Scholar and textual critic details many of the above things. The lecture is very informative. Here is a partial video.

Summary of the Facts:
* We don't have any original manuscripts or even the original copies of the copies of the manuscripts.
* There is no two manuscripts that are identical.
* The vast majority of the manuscripts we do have are dated from the 9th century and earlier. 

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