Friday, April 10, 2015

Can You Be A Christian If You Don't Believe Jesus Is God?

Blog Article:  Very good series presented by an ordained minister with the thought that Jesus doesn't have to be God to follow Jesus and be "Christ Like"(Christian)

This topic all hangs on the definition of "Christian".
If being Christian is believing that the doctrines of Jesus is God(or Son of God, ie:trinity) and/or Jesus having died for your sins, and believing in these is your only salvation then the answer is No.

Being that during Jesus' ministry his disciples and the people he presented his message to did not believe in these things because Jesus in fact just plain didn't teach these doctrines. Even speaking privately to the 12 apostles about his upcoming death they didn't understand(Luke 18:31-34).

Jesus in his own words never explicitly stated he was God and for anyone to worship him. He never said his death was for the salvation of mankind. He never stated he was God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit all wrapped up in one. These are later theologies and teachings pulled from the author of John, and in-laid into Paul's letters.

What Jesus Taught: - Looking at what Jesus taught and following his message and principles, in which in his own words were directly given to him from God(John 7:16), we can deduct that being "Christian"or "Christ like" the answer to this post is most definitely YES you can be a Christian if you don't believe Jesus is God. Following Jesus' Core Message and his humble teachings is the entire reason that Jesus was sent in the first place. To realign his people from tradition and instead to God's core message of loving Him and doing good works.

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