Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Questions The Bible Just CAN'T Answer

Before reading these Questions please read this link first The Way Christians Answer

Also the majority of the links I have provided are verses straight from the Bible. Please click on them and read the verses yourself or crack your Bible out at home and look up the verses for yourself.

Look up the context before and after my links, as I make every attempt to read the context of what I present before foolishly linking something completely out of context.

(1) If Heaven and being in God's presence is so perfect, why did Satan rebel against God and Heaven? Luke 10:18 and further more why did 1/3 of the angels rebel also? Revelations 12:3-9

(2) If Satan and 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God, wouldn't that mean "Free Will" apparently exists in Heaven?

(3) If Satan was cast down prior to Adam and Eve eating from the tree as indicated in Genesis 3:1
Then Logically wouldn't Satan and his angels have been the "Original Sinners", not Adam and Eve?

(4) With God having limitless knowledge Psalm 147:5 , (knowing that they would sin)why would he allow Satan to tempt Adam and Eve? Also knowing that they would eat from the tree, why place the tree in the first place?

(5) Out of the two contradictory creation accounts, why have christians taken the account that places woman inferior to men? Created Equal vs Created FROM Man . Wouldn't hundreds and thousands of women's lives and dignity have been spared for over 5000 years? Infanticide could have been prevented for the most part. It wasn't until August 18, 1920, until women were even allowed to vote in this country. That's about 50 years after black males were allowed to vote(February 3, 1870).

(6) Do babies or mentally handicapped go to heaven?

(7) If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible(The Torah), why did he write in 3rd person? And how could he have written about his own death? Deuteronomy 34:5-11

(8) Why did God allow his "sons" or some argue "angels" to have sex and procreate with any human woman they choose? Genesis 6:2-4 

(9) If the above truly happened and if humans were special separate created beings from creatures of heaven, how could they cross breed?

(10) How is God all knowing and all loving if he allows cross breeding from heaven and earth then "regrets" making them, in turn decides out of that regret he will destroy them? Genesis 6:5-7

(11) Admitting regret for making humans and animals would admit a mistake. How does a "perfect" God make a mistake and actually admit it in the Bible?

(12) If you pray for something and God answers, it was God's plan. If you pray for something and God doesn't answer, it wasn't God's plan. Either way prayer doesn't effect God's plan. Why then pray?

(13) There are many stories of miraculous healing through prayer. Disease, Cancer, even Aids. Why is there no miraculous healing of Amputees? Or anything that would be considered a true visible miracle?

(14) Why would a Just God answer your prayer for let's say speedy recovery from a cold.... but not answer a child who prays and worships God everyday who prayed for his sick mother to get well... then in the end they both die of hunger?

(15) If sin is the reason for death and suffering in the world... explain how sin is involved in natural disasters(like tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc..) that take the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people?

(16) How is it fair that a child born in India(becomes Hindu), a child born in Iran(becomes Muslim), a child born in China(becomes Buddhist) are subject to eternal hellfire at no fault of their own. raised to only know that religion?

(17) Did God create Hell? If so how does an all powerful God(who can do anything) and a all loving God(who loves each and everyone of us) create a place that was originally designed for satan and his angels Matthew 25:41 for us to occupy along with them for not believing in a 2000 year old story book that has errors and contradictions?

(18) If the Bible is God's miraculous inspired word.. wouldn't it have been more miraculous for God's word to have been preserved? (No single original document exists)

(19) Even if some miracle Noah fit all the species on the ark, why isn't there any fossil evidence of kangaroo migration to Australia or penguin migration to Antarctica to which both those species are native to only?

(20) If all the species were on the ark for over a year, how is it possible to have fed the carnivorous animals like the Lions meat that would have come from other animals? They would have had to stockpile a years worth of meat with no means of refrigeration or preservation, which means they would have fed the carnivorous animals live animals. So much for 2 of every animal?

(21) Where have all the Unicorns, Witches, and Dragons gone?

(22) How is God Just if a child molesting, rapist, murderer can repent on his death bed and be saved, yet an honest person who gave to the poor and did no real wrong in his life other that not believing or not being born in the "right religion" be sent to burn in an eternal hellfire?

(23) If heaven is to be a place free of sadness, pain and suffering, then how can you be happy in heaven knowing that the vast majority of humankind is painfully burning for eternity, especially when some of them may be your loved ones?

(24) If the 10 commandments are the basis of human morality... why are almost half of them not about morality instead are about appeasing God himself(no idols, no other god's, etc..) Instead why isn't there any laws about rape, slavery, and equality? Things that humans came up with all on their own centuries later? Not only are these laws not present in the Bible... they are preserved and taught as being okay. (Rape: Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Zechariah 14:1-2) (Slavery: Leviticus 25:44-46, Ephesians 6:5) (Inequality: 1 Timothy 2:11-14, I Corinthians 14:34-35)

(25) If God was disgusted(in his own regrettable mistake) in making humans, and wiped out the earth in the flood to start over.... why then did he wait over 1000 years(time between Noah and Moses) to reveal the 10 commandments to his people? Why didn't he give them to Noah right at the start so that the human race would know exactly what God wanted them to do right away?

(26) After receiving the 10 commandments, Moses came down from the mountain to witness his people worshiping the golden calf they had made. He orders the calf ground into powder and makes his people drink it from the river. Then from a Commandment from God he tells them to strap on a sword and kill each other.... and they do so killing "about 3000".  Why would God write a commandment "thou shalt not kill" and almost immediately order his people to kill? Exodus 32:27-28
Not long after this incident God orders Moses to kill and destroy multiple cites, causing mass genocide to men women and children. Numbers 31:1-18

(27) Do you honestly think that the people thought it was okay to murder, lie, steal, and commit adultery prior to God revealing the 10 Commandments?

(28) If God is all powerful... why would iron chariots stop Him when he was helping the army of Judah? Judges 1:17-19

(29) If committing a "thought crime" like adultery in Matthew 5:27-29 lands you in eternal hell because you are actually committing the crime by thinking it, then wouldn't simply thinking about doing good things like giving to the poor work the same way?

(30) If Jesus' family especially Mary, went through an entire virgin birth ordeal with angels being told her son Jesus would be divine. Why is it that they denied him and told him he was "out of his mind"? Mark 3:20-21
Jesus then later denies them in return... Mark 3:31-34

(31) If John the Baptist was related to Jesus by their mothers(Luke 1:36) then goes through an entire baptism ordeal where the sky splits open and the voice of God declares Jesus His son, having witnessed this amazing event and surely been raised at least knowing of the miracle of his divine relative from his mother... why did John question Jesus if he was the messiah? Matthew 11:2-3

(32) In your own words and thoughts explain the Trinity?

(33) Out of all the horrible sins that we are capable of(rape, murder, molestation, etc..) all of them are forgivable except one.. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Mark 3:28-29 There is no description of how this is done or what constitutes "blaspheming", what the holy spirit itself "is" is still being debated,  and it is the only time it is mentioned. Why is that? and wouldn't the only unforgivable sin(that lands you to eternal hellfire) have more elaboration?

(34) If Jesus is God... who was he praying to? Mark 1:35Luke 5:16

(35) If Jesus is God... why does he constantly say he is lesser than God? He can do nothing without God? God is greater than him? God had sent him? His words are not his but Gods? etc... John 5:30John 14:28John 7:16John 12:49John 14:24

(36) Where in the Bible does Jesus explicitly say he is God?

(37) If Jesus is God... or even the Son of God... and according to Christians some of the stories about the Jewish priests who cornered Jesus and drew up stones to stone him for blasphemy are proof of Jesus claiming divinity... Why is it then when Jesus was arrested and taken to trial for blasphemy(even with false witnesses and testimony) they couldn't convict him? Mark 14:55-56 Later he was brought to Pilate and convicted of treason for claiming to be King(of the Jews), not God. Where were these Jewish priests who had proof of Jesus claiming divinity?

(38) Considering it is the most important doctrine for salvation...where in the Bible did Jesus actually say he will die for our sins?

(39) If the Gospels are written by eyewitnesses why do they contain verses that are in 3rd person? Matthew 9:9, Matthew 10:3, John 21:20-24, and in Luke 1:1-4 he states that the account he was about to write were "handed down" to him.

(40) If Jesus is God... Why did Satan tempt Jesus with kingdoms on earth? Matthew 4:8-9 Why would God be tempted with anything on earth(that he created)? Furthermore where in the world(even in the 1st century) is there a mountain that you can see all the kingdoms on earth?(The writers obviously still believed in a flat earth)

 (41) If Jesus is alive in heaven sitting at the right hand of God Matthew 26:64, being loved, cherished, and worshiped by millions of people each day. Jesus suffered less than half a day on earth before his earthly body died... How is that an "Ultimate Sacrifice" if he isn't dead and he suffered less than let's say Job, or even millions of children each year who suffer months of starvation and illness before death? How is it an "Ultimate Sacrifice" if all Jesus did was die the same as every single human will? How is it an "Ultimate Sacrifice" if he is still alive? (Pretty sure most people would have their hands and feet nailed to a cross each day for a year to get the sacrifice reward Jesus got.)

(42) If Jesus is God... Right before he was to be arrested he was "deeply distressed" and prayed to God to "take this cup from me"(not allow him to go through the impending death")Mark 14:32-36. Then right before he dies he cries out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"Mark 15:34. If he was God and him dying was the ultimate goal and sacrifice for mankind... why would he be distressed, pray to himself to not go through with it, and then pray to himself asking himself why he forsake himself?

(43) If you believe Jesus is not God, but the Son of God... Then are there 2 gods? where does the Holy spirit fit in? Refer back to Question #(32). 

(44) If Jesus is not God but the Son of God, but they are "one", Why did Jesus say he will be at the right hand of God?(Separate)Mark 14:62, Mark 16:19. Again refer back to Question #(32)

(45) There are over 33,000 different "Christian" denominations/sects Source, With so many differences in beliefs between each one...What makes "your" denomination "right" when it comes to salvation?

(46) Why do you cherry pick laws from the Bible, and throw out ones with the excuse of "That's from the Old Testament", when Jesus explicitly stated until earth and heaven disappear not one single law will be removed? Matthew 5:18

(47) Many people claim that their faith is based off of spiritual experiences. If your God is the only true God, how is it that people of different religions share in these same spiritual experiences? Real Spiritual Stories (Site that catalogs peoples spiritual experience stories from all over the world)

(48) The majority of scholars agree that the Gospel of Mark was the first gospel written. It is also agreed upon by majority of scholars that the ending of Mark is not part of the original gospel and that it was a later addition written in by scribes. So if the author of Mark wrote a gospel of Jesus' life, why did he fail to mention 2 of the most important events that support Christian doctrine?(Virgin birth and Resurrection)

(49) When did Jesus ascend to Heaven? (Day of his crucifixion? Luke 23:43), (Day of his resurrection? John 20:17), (A couple days after his resurrection? Mark 16:19), or (40+ days after his resurrection? Acts 1:3-9)

(50) Human fossil record for Homo Sapiens(humans) dates to over 250,000 years.Homo Sapeins, Let's just say for sake of argument that humans are only 50,000 years old... It is believed that the earliest books were written no earlier than the 16th century BCE, although most scholars agree that they were written between the 8th and 5th centuries BCE. For sake of argument lets say they were written in 2000 BCE. Being that humans walked the earth over 50,000 years ago and God's law and morals were handed down to Moses a mere 4000 years ago... Where was God for the other 46,000 years?

(*) There are many more unanswerable questions... The last questions I'd like to ask are can you answer any of these questions without creative twisting of theology? If you think you have an answer to one of the questions... is your answer backed up in the bible and if so does it conflict or disagree with another part in the bible? Lastly... would you feel comfortable asking these questions to your church leaders? If not, why? If so, I'd like to challenge you to do so and see if they can answer any of them without using the tactics I laid out in the link at the top of the page.


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  2. Very thought provoking. One point of contestation for me would be that your entire thought process is of course based on the Christian understanding of God. I personally only really disagree with you on a single point: that it is impossible to know that a Creator-God/Source/Ultimate Mind exists. I find a careful study of nature an obvious indication of an intelligent design. But that is as far as I can go with that, and I'm fine with that. The rest, as you so cleverly illustrate here, is a massive, and often sadistic, fairy tale. ☮️.

  3. None of these Questions is Hard to Answer. But so of them are Impossible if You don't use the...Ahem..."Tactis"...You laid out. Namely because You want to discuss Theological Concepts, but also say we can't Answer these using Theology. You also CHaracterise Theology as Nonfactual and not based on Evidence and Claim the Christian is Biased.

    Well, then, how would I go about Answering Question 32?

    How do I Describe in My Own Words The Trinity without delving into Theology? That is what You asked me to do here.

    Then again, You make the Word Theology means Something else. It is very Broad and includes Inference. Your example of Paul saying aA Day is 1000 Years and Christians using that to say The Days in Genesis are Metaphors is proof of this. It is also Proof You haven't Read The Bible. It was Peter who said that, not Paul. Still, You claim the Quotes are Out Of Context. But are they? You Said they were, but gave no Explanation. If I were to ask You how it is Out of Context, Would You even be able to explain it?

    It just seems You want Christians to be forced to accept the Days in Genesis as 24 Hour Days, and to not allow them to base anything on Inference from other Sources. Bu this isn't how Christianity Works in The Real World. People don't just Read the Words of The Bible in such a Mechanistic way. They Try to Understand its Meaning.

    Whether Right or Wrong in terms of Original Intent, People will always Bring their own Knowledge Base with them and use that to Understand Things. It is Unreasonable to ask them not to. Especially if You want to ask if Babies or The Mentally Handicapped go to Heaven. Its not like There is a specific Verse in The Bible about that.

    And exactly how do I Limit myself to Only what The Bible says and Answer questions that aren't in The Bible? I mean, its bad enough all of these Questions are just You repeating Old Arguments others made Already. Its not Original. Or that You commit the same Fallacies as a Result. Such as The Genetic Fallacy. Which is the Fallacy committed when You ask about people Born in Other Nations. But Really, You ask if people can Answer these Questions without appealing to Theology, or "Redirecting", or Coping Out, then You ask about people Born in India, Pakistan, and China who didn't become Christian through no Fault of their own. You're Right that using Scripture Alone doesn't give the Answer to this Question if You mean it actually has a Passage that deals specifically with This Question, but You won't even Allow for Interpretation for other Ideas from The Bible. You want it to be Scripture Verse or nothing. Which is absurd. No Christian, not even the most Radically Fundamentalist, Thinks of The Bible in those Terms.

    You also make Assumptions. For example, You Ask out of the Two Contradictory Creation Accounts, why do Christians choose the One that makes Women Inferior to Men. Isn't this a Leading Question? Christians don't Choose the Story that makes Women Inferior to Men. The Question is ridiculous. It presumes something that Simply isn't True. Its not even Demonstrable that The Two are Conflicting an Contradictory Stories, and the idea that Because Adam was Created Out of Eve this somehow means he is Inferior to him is absurd. No Christian has ever Understood the Text This way, and You are Violating Your Own Terms. After all, You are employing both Theological Arguments, because You tell us what These Stories mean even though nothing in the Actual Text says this explicitly, and You engage in a Redirection by discussing American History.

    Continued Below.

    1. Continued From The Above.

      Seriously, there is no Reason to Think Infanticide wold have ended due to what The Bible said about Even or which Story the Christians supposedly chose. Especially since You said 5000 Years. Are You saying 5000 Years Ago Christians chose to believe the Story that made Eve Inferior? Well, I suppose I should be a Christian then, as a Miracle has happened. Christianity is 2000 Years Old yet Christians lived before then. I suppose they Time Travelled.

      Really though, Christianity had nothing to do with Infanticide, and even forbade it. Blaming Christianity for Infanticide, especially Infanticide that occurred before Christianity existed, is not justifiable. It comes off as a Cheap Excuse. Especially since if I answer these questions I can only use The Scriptures whilst You can use anything You please.

      Women being allowed to Vote in America only in 1920 which has nothing to do with the Topic of Eve. American Christians, or Christians in General, never understood The Genesis Creation Account as Two Contradictory Stories and did not choose the One that made Women Inferior to Men. That is simply not the Truth. It also has Nothing to do with only what The Scripture Actually say, its bringing in outside Elements to make a Case. Which is a Tactic You claim Christians use and ask if they can Answer these Questions without it. It is impossible to discuss Women being given the Vote and its Historical Development in America if I am to use nothing but The Bible since the Bible does not address American History at all.

      That is not an Admission that You were Right and There is no Rational Basis for Christianity, though. Christians don't View The Bible as Housing All Knowledge, just all Knowledge Necessary for Salvation, if Protestant.

      That does invoke another Issue though. What of Catholics? Or Orthodox? Or Anglicans? These Churches, and a few More, do not even View The Bible as the Only Source for Faith And Practice. Is it Really Unjustified and Irrational for a Catholic to use The Catechism or other Catholic Materials to make his Case alongside The Bible? Is it Wrong for an Anglican to want to Us Reason and Tradition as well as Scripture, given this is Hookers Three Legged Stool and what Anglicanism has Always been based on.

      Then again, You don't even Understand The Idea behind Salvation in Christianity. And I am not using my own personal Denomination. You pull the 33'000 Denominations Argument, but You seem to Think each of those 33000 have different ideas of Salvation and this is where they differ, which is not Really True. Neither is it True that You get to Heaven by being Good, or that if You sin right before You die You go to Hell because you didn't have Time to Rent. No Church Teaches that. None. At all. Nor does The Holy Bible.

      Continued Below.


    2. Concluded From The Above.

      You aren't Really even Discussing what The Bible says. After all, You even say Jesus's Ascension Occurs on different Days in Diffident Gospels,but the Verses You cited aren't about The Ascension. The One from Acts was, but the others weren't.

      The Questions aren't Real Questions. They are shallow Attacks. You made it impossible to Answer them by saying that we should be Able to Answer them without the Tactics the other Page. But You will accuse people of using those Tactics if the don't stick Strictly to only reciting Biblical Verses even when that is Impossible.

      You don't always Ask Questions about The Bible or You will invoke Questions that bleed over to Things outside of The Bible. Or that are ore about The Bible's History, which is not in The Bible itself.

      It is clear You wrote How Christian Argue more as a Preemptive Shield. If someone does anything You can Claim fits the Pattern in that Article, You can then blast them with an I Gotcha and dismiss what They say. But what They say may be Perfectly reasonable and even based on Evidence.

      You prove that finally when You ask Loaded Questions like this One.

      “Why do you cherry pick laws from the Bible, and throw out ones with the excuse of "That's from the Old Testament", when Jesus explicitly stated until earth and heaven disappear not one single law will be removed? “

      Have You stopped Beating Your Wife?

      This reveals how You assume how People are then demand explanations for Conduct You only Assume they have.

      There is no Reason for someone to give You an Explanation for why they Cherry Pick the Bible Laws if they don't. Some people do Live by them, others may not but may have a Valid Reason. EG, Why Dress like an Israelite by not cropping Your Beard if You are not an Israelite? That Law was not Universal after all, and was meant as a Mark of Cultural Identity.

      Calling it Cherry Picking if they didn't Obey all “Old Testament” Laws is itself ridiculous because they may have a Reason not to, that is not just that they don't agree with that part The Bible but do Agree with This Part. They may also Actually Follow the Laws You assume They don't. How do You Know what People Follow and what They don't? How do You Know this is even Applicable?

      It just comes off as very Presumptive of You and very Arrogant. And given You won't Allow anyone to Explain with Reason or with outside Evidence anything, but are Free to invoke Outside Evidence for Your own Claims, it just seems Rather Dishonest.

      You say God set people up in The Bible, but this is Clearly a Set Up.

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