Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Way Christians Answer

When questioning the Bible or Christian doctrines, Christians and their apologists answer your questions in a way typically in one of the following themes.

Theme 1 = Theological:
  A theological response is usually given. These are responses that typically have no realistic factual, historical, or real logical basis.
An easy example of this is in Genesis where it states God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. A typical theological response to this would be that a "day" is metaphorical and most likely you will be given a  quote from Paul about how a day is equivalent to 1000 years. Or that God is all powerful and if he wanted to create everything in 6 days all things are possible to Him.
Both of these responses give no factual basis and the quotes from other verses are usually way out of context.
These type of  answers to a bias christian usually make perfect sense to them, but objectively if they were to step back and critically think about it... the question isn't truly answered.

Theme 2 = The Redirect:
  This one is my favorite... Usually it goes something like this. "Why did Jesus say such and such?" The dance response would go something like this... "Well he couldn't have meant that because in this other verse it states such and such and he says this"
What has been done here to the biased person is that you have been blindly redirected to an alternate verse that completely agrees with not only what you want to hear, but what the person who is answering wants you to hear.
What you don't realize is that not only did the person indirectly admit that the first verse says exactly what it says, there is also a verse that completely contradicts that verse. Which also indirectly admits that there is a contradiction.
Again the question isn't answered.

Theme 3 = The Cop Out:
  These are the typical answers you get like.. "God works in mysterious ways", "God's plan isn't always understood", "That was Old Testament laws", "You just have to have faith".
These are basically answers given when the person just doesn't have an answer for you. Instead of admitting it you will get a response like this or something like "You shouldn't question God, Satan is tempting you"
These are all "cop out" answers. A response given to you because the question is simply unanswerable and these answers give comfort to the responder because the answer they just gave you satisfies them.

Even those these are the big 3, there are other types of responses.
Honorable mention would be Repetition. This is where the responder just simply repeats a so called answer over and over like it is logical and you don't get it. Usually it is a response theme that comes from one of the above 3 themes.

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